'Glowing Matrix' surface pattern design by Veronica Galbraith [3] | Pitter Pattern

Welcome to the Surface Pattern Design Pin Hop June!

For those of you that landed here from the Pin Hop Pinterest board, thank you for taking the time to come and visit… I really appreciate it!

After you read this post you can go back to the Pinterest board to enjoy more amazing designs by clicking here: pinterest.com/fndnewdesigners/pin-hop-june-2013.

If you were just visiting the blog and have no idea what I mean by Pin Hop (after all this is the first one to happen, ever!) or would like a refresher you can read this post…

Down to business now… The trend I decided to go for is Optical Day. It fitted me perfectly as I’m a geometric kind of girl. I love my squares, circles and all polygons! Thanks to Patternbank for providing the inspiration…

Patternbank Optical Day Print Trend A/W 13/14

I have created a mini collection called ‘Glowing Matrix’, with 1 main print and 3 coordinates. I hope you like it…

'Glowing Matrix' surface pattern design by Veronica Galbraith [1] | Pitter Pattern

'Glowing Matrix' surface pattern design by Veronica Galbraith [2] | Pitter Pattern

'Glowing Matrix' surface pattern design by Veronica Galbraith [3] | Pitter Pattern

'Glowing Matrix' surface pattern design by Veronica Galbraith [4] | Pitter Pattern

If you fancy visiting another Pin Hopper’s blog you could go to Andrea Rincon’s (aka Anchobee). She has some more eye candy ready for you.

Please take 2 seconds to let me know (via comments) what you thought of my designs and the Pin Hop in general. I would really love to hear from all of you!

I am a designer, originally from Colombia and now living permanently in Cornwall, UK. I graduated in Product Design but since then have mostly worked in graphics for print and web. A few years ago I decided to specialise in Surface Pattern Design and I'm loving it!


  1. Thanks everyone, all your comments mean a lot and make me very happy!

  2. Very fun! I love them.

  3. Striking patterns Vero, great colours, love them all!!!

  4. Your full collection is awesome, love it!

  5. Wow, I absolutely love the vibrant colours and designs here, really striking.

  6. Rebecca Stoner

    These look great! Really like the first one!

  7. Thanks Leska, nice to see you around here!

  8. Leska

    Looks great! Super versatile, I can see used on an array of products.

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